Daily Archives: January 21, 2008

My VRE Glossary

Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML): supports web based applications in the interchange of data between server and client

Audience (in Drupal): with Communication Tools (e.g. forums) allows to select which groups will see a particular post or thread

Canarie: Canada’s Advanced Network / Le réseau évolué du Canada; non-profit membership-based organization devoted to supporting advanced web projects

Community of interest: a community of people who share a common interest, although they may differ greatly in other ways

Content types (in Drupal): basic means for organizing the content in Drupal, using pre-defined or user-specified terminology

DDI: Data Documentation Initiative — “an international project to create a standard for information describing social science data” (from DDI Wikipedia entry)

Disposable screencasts: quickly (and cheaply) produced screencasts that can be tailored to specific and immediate needs, then disposed of once the technology/needs change

DotProject: web-based Open Source project management software

Drupal: Open Source content management software (CMS) with active user community

Eating our own dogfood: VRE Dev Team speak; being sure to pay attention to work/changes we ask for (is that right?)

EML: Ecological Metadata Language; XML standard developed by and for the ecology discipline (could be used for Critter DB)

Fedora: digital repository system, known for supporting a variety of types of objects

Forums (in Drupal): based on Organic Groups

FoXML: Fedora Object XML — a simple XML format for storing Fedora digital objects, as well as for ingesting and exporting diigital objects into and out of Fedora

Ingesting: Fedora-speak; appears to mean something slightly different from “importing”

Jing – software for creating screencast learning tools

LDAP: Lightweight Directory Access Protocol — an Internet protocol that email and other programs use to look up information from a server

LOR: Learning Object Repository — online databases of learning content (many of these exist)

Lucene: information retrieval library used in full-text indexing and searching of the Web, wither local or Internet-wide

METS: Metadata Encoding and Transmission Standard

MODS: Metadata Object Description Schema (standard maintained by the Library of Congress)

Modules (in Drupal): optional software components that make up Drupal ;designed for specific purposes; can be global or local; similar to FaceBook apps except typically more complex?

Muradora: repository application that supports federated identity (via Shibboleth authentication) and flexible authorization (using XACML); compatibe with Fedora

NEP: either Network Entry Point or Network Equipment Provider (or Needle Exchange Program?)

NeuroDyn: Canadian biotechnology company, PEI-based

Open Conference Systems (OCS): OS system for creating full-service website for conferences

Open Journal Systems (OJS): OS system for publishing and archiving an electronic journal

Pid: (most likely Process ID — or PID tuning software? or pelvic inflammatory disease?)

Regurgitating our own dowgfood: ?

Schema: document that defines the content and structure of a document or group of documents (often referring to XML schema)

Screencast: digital object that uses screen captured video, often with voice-over audio (usually referring to a learning tool = web tutorial); webcast

Script: piece of code written to control a specific aspect of a piece of computer software (often by the end user) but distinct from the application source code

Shibboleth: OS project devoted to federated identity-based authentication and authorization infrastructure — information about users in one security domain can be provided to other organizations in a common federation (also a notable West Wing episode)

Sliced-Book Navigation: Drupal module that creates a menu sub-item in menu structure when a child item is created in the site

Taxonomy: hierarchically structured classification system designed to organize and provide a systematic categories for a specific area (in the case of the VRE, these can be preexisting field-defined systems in XML that can be imported into applicable VREs)

TinyMCE: type of WYSIWYG (or WYSIWYAG) editor

Type ahead: software feature that allows users to continue typing at whatever speed, and if the receiving software is busy at the time it will be called to handle this later

Vertical application: software defined for a very narrow, specific market

The VRE Team, as far as I can tell

Mark Leggott – University Librarian, Robertson Library, UPEI (Project Lead)

Grant Johnson – UPEI, Robertson Library (high-energy Systems Manager)

Paul Pound – UPEI, Robertson Library (Lead Programmer)

Peter Lux – Independent Contractor, likes frogs (Programmer)

Louise Mould – UPEI, Robertson Library (Metadata, Cataloguing)

Cindy McKenna – UPEI, Robertson Library (Functionality)

Dawn Hooper – UPEI, Robertson Library (Data & Research Services Librarian)

David Cormier – previously at Robertson Library, involved in the early days of the VRE

Dave Kisly – Independent contractor (taxonomy), Ottawa

Chris Bulman – UPEI, Robertson Library (online multimedia)

Natasha Doyle – UPEI Lobster Centre; “Helicopter”